Take one.

Take two.

Take three.

Take four.
Think we'll go with four. Ha ha!
I guess she wasn't having a good day. It seems like she's going through some stage right now. Found out yesterday morning that she cries every morning she has to leave the baby room and go to the toddler room. She gets dropped off real early and her teachers don't get in till 7:30 so she gets to hang out with the babies and her old teachers. Also found out from a different teacher in a different room that she's not eating lunch really well. I've asked over and over again how she does with eating and we've been told she eats just fine. Hmmm. I know how she eats at home, it's a struggle. So I'm hoping she's just going through some funk right now. I can only guess it's the 'Terrible Twos' early.