Monday morning we went to Monkey Joe's. It's like a big warehouse with tons of bounce houses and jump arounds. There weren't a lot of kids around which was nice. Violet and Jackson didn't have to deal with too many kids that moved faster than them.

It took Violet a couple of minutes to warm up. Jackson was diving right in finally she followed along. Having him to watch helped.

Violet did exactly what Jackson did. If he was running around in circles, she'd do the same. If he'd fall down Violet would fall down too. Very cute.

This made me nervous. She got run over by a couple older kids who were in a hurry and wouldn't wait so they just climbed over her. Even better the parents are just standing their letting it happen. An employee stepped in and helped Violet the rest of the way.

She came flying down the slide so fast she hardly had time to react. She got up and asked to do it again. So up she went and down she came, only this time she crashed at the end. She was done then.

Getting tired.

Lunch at Applebee's. Cheese!!

Violet was pretty tired. Her left eye gets kind of lazy when she gets tired. It's really noticeable in pictures and I've noticed it since she was an infant.

After dinner we all headed to Spanky's for icecream. It's like Ted Drew's only closer to Grandma's house. It's been there since I was in grade school.
Yes, Violet is in a different outfit. We had a little poo incident. I think she had to much apple juice. Gross.