Violet was in a different outfit this afternoon. Her messy clothes were all tied up in a plastic bag in her school bag. Right away we assumed she had an accident and didn't make it to the potty in time. We asked her if she messed her undies and she said yes. Once home I took the plastic bag out of her book bag and only found her shorts and top she had on this morning. I asked her where her undies were and she looked puzzled. I checked to see what she had on and sure enough it was the pair I put on her this morning. I was confused. I looked at her and showed her her wet clothes and asked what happened. It took her a minute but she told me she spilled her milk and got all wet. I wish a note would have come home explaining that. Then I felt bad for assuming she had an accident.
Knock on wood, Violet has been accident free for over two weeks and is only in a diaper at bedtime. We are officially down to seven diapers a week!!!