Thursday, May 29, 2014


Last day and first day pics side by side. Yes she is wearing the same outfit and yes I planned that back in August.
We had kind of a rough start at the beginning. Lots of new things for her, new school, riding the bus, learning to buy lunch, new friends, Girl Scouts and let's not forget a new baby brother. Plus throw in Soccer, swim lessons and other activities and this year FLEW by. I feel like I've just been able to really get into a routine.
She has grown a ton this year, and not just in height. Daddy told her her brain grew this year and I can tell she has more confidence in the things she does.
Another perfect report card. Got our summer worksheets, books and sight words ready for reviewing!
Let summer begin!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Below is video of one of the four songs they sang.
::click box next to youtube to see larger::