I had to share this because it was to funny to keep to myself. I love these emails and there subjects. Wednesday I got the best one yet. Colon Cleanse: Lose up to 20lbs over night. OVER NIGHT! How is that possible. And who is gullable to believe it. Please tell me people aren't. But I know they must be if such a company pushing their diets exists. Chris's comment to this "That's like loosing a limb". I think it's more like loosing two. : )
OMG - I work next door to a place that does these. It's so fun watching people walking in there all day. They have "regulars" that don't look like they've lost anything, lol.
...and something tells me you wouldn't be spending your "overnight" in bed.
Did you get my email? If not, my address is justlaura75@yahoo.com.
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