Tuesday, April 28, 2009


That's pretty much all we've done since 12:30. We got a call around lunch that Violet had a fever of 101 and by the time we were able to pick her up it was 102. It's gone up and down from 101 to 103 all afternoon. We called the Dr. and were told unless it was 104 and she had other symptoms there's no need to bring her in. So we're just keeping an eye on it, giving her tylenol and ice water. She thinks ice water is a treat. She's slept pretty much since we got home but she wants us to hold her. I tried to lay her in the bean bag but she wanted nothing to do with it. Problem with holding her is I get hot which I would think just makes her hot. She just went to bed and her fever was down to 101. So hopefully she'll sleep it away.

1 comment:

Chris Grine said...

Its viral thing turns out. Not the "piggy flu", or anything scary like that. She just feels like crap.