Today was our 2 week appointment to see the doctor and make sure everything is progressing as it should.
So at two weeks she now weighs 8lb.10oz. Somebodies a little piggy, or maybe it's all the Cadbury Eggs I've been eating. This puts her in the 50th percentile among babies her age. That makes her average for weight. Her head measures 36 1/2in around putting her at 55%. Again average. Her height is now 21in tall. Putting her in the 75th percentile. A bit above average.
Everything else checked out fine. She is due back in 2 months for her first shots. She has been really gassy the last day and a half.
She was very fussy from 2pm till midnight yesterday. Didn't really sleep more than 10 -15min at any one time during that duration. She seemed uncomfortable and was very stinky. However she did sleep really well last night.
I took this pic when we got home. We didn't want to disturb her by getting her out of the car seat. This allowed us to eat some lunch without scarfing it down.