So I pretty much have breakfast, lunch, and dinner covered. I've also got a pile of veggies and a pile of fruit. I think I'm pretty much done. I do plan on making some cookies and make a cookie sheet out of thin ply wood painted silver. I thought the cookies would go great with the little tea set she'll be getting for xmas.

Sandwich with 2 slices of bread, lettuce (2), slice of cheese, 2 tomatoes, and what I'm calling salami or mystery lunch meet. Bread made out of fleece, everything else made from wool felt.

2 apples, 2 pears, 2 oranges, 1 banana, 1 lime, and 1 lemon. All made from fleece except the stems, leaves, and banana peel which are made from wool felt.

Pizza that fits together like a puzzle. Peppers, pepperonis, and mushrooms are wool felt. The rest is made from fleece.

Turkey! Drumsticks are attached with velcro. I've got a wood dowel rod inside the bone of the leg for stability. All made of fleece.