Well number 32 has come and gone. I did feel old last night at dinner when Chris and I were having a conversation about braces, the kid at the table next to us just got braces. Anyway I did the math and realized I got my braces 20 years ago. Ouch...that did make me feel a tad bit old. However it just seems like yesterday I had them. I remember the discomfort vividly. Well as long as I continue to get carded for beer and movies I don't mind. By the way, the last movie I got carded for was Superbad and I was pregnant. Good times.
We didn't go anywhere fancy for dinner, just Longhorn. It's close to the house in case we have a melt down with Violet. However, knock on wood, that's never happened. We then went to Target and Lowes where I bought some pots with my birthday money. Pretty exciting I know... contain your enthusiasm.
After getting earrings for mothers day I told Chris to not spend a lot on me for my birthday. Actually I said don't spend anything cause I know how much the earrings cost but he doesn't listen. I tend to price everything based on how much diapers that could have bought us. But he got me a case for my gameboy and the new crossword puzzle game. Again... contain your enthusiasm. It's a very fun and addicting game.
We then came home put Violet to bed watched the movie Cloverfield, I ate a box of H&D's Moose Munch and got sick from the movie as well as the Moose Munch. By the way that movie sucked. All in all a nice day.