One of our neighbors father-in-law gets whole sale prices at a local nursery so a bunch of neighbors and us all went in to order trees. We ordered two and got a really good deal.

The one in the background near the fence is called a Serviceberry. It's a shrub tree. You can eat the berries if you want.

We pulled out our birch tree that we planted three years ago and never grew. Chris literally lifted it right out of the ground. It wasn't dead, but the roots never took off. Very weird. This is and Autumn Sunset Maple. It will turn bright red in the fall. We also finally finished the area around the bird house. I planted phlox, lavendar, and honeysuckle. we officially have birds living in three of the six apartments.

Here are my out of control tomatoes. The left one is an Early Girl, though typically by now we should have red ones on that plant. I think the cold May weather set them back. The plant on the right are cherry tomatoes. I've picked three. We will have hundreds of these. They are very tastey!