I've tried curling Violet's hair with a curling iron and it just doesn't work. Her hair is so fine it just slides right out. Last night after blow drying her hair I decided to try sock curls. I divided her hair into two sections, used two knee socks, wrapped her hair around them then tied the sock together. She went to bed with two buns high up on her head. I was pretty sure she'd take them out while she slept but she didn't. I think they didn't bother her because it was soft to lay on plus it wasn't much different than putting her hair up in a scrunchy like we do every night. Yes I said scrunchy. I actually made a scrunchy about a year ago. She gets hot and doesn't like sleeping with her hair down. I made the scrunchy because it's gentler on her hair than a ponytail holder.
Notice the bags under her eyes. Not a morning kid.

I'm not sure how long they'll last or how her hair will look this evening after playing all day and nap time. I expect difficulty combing it out tonight.

New dress too. I'm working on a bunch of spring/summer dresses, tops and shorts. This doesn't look bad with a long sleeve shirt and leggings.