I finally got two of the three patches I bought at Planet Comic-Con sewn onto tshirts. I need to pick up a light pink shirt to sew her Care Bear patch on.
Violet is finally figuring out the steering thing. We have to yell "turn the wheel" a lot. I've found myself saying "turn right" or "turn left". She might even know what right or left means by the end of the summer. She still is having a problem stopping. Which is just taking your foot off the gas. She knows what stop means. When we're playing in the front yard with the neighbor kids and we see a car I yell "Violet Stop" and she stops whatever she is doing. She understands. She also knows that red lights mean stop and stop signs mean stop. Her new obsession while in the car is actually stop signs.

Driving around the tree in the front yard all by herself.

Where did I put my invisible plane!! HAHA!