I made an apron for Violet that matches my Christmas apron. I decided to make it a gift from Mrs. Claus. Rolling pin and measuring spoons are from Hallmark. I made a letter that was signed by Mrs. Claus, stamps and a north pole seal for the package. It was all wrapped in gold paper.

Two small elves delivered the package ;). Chris went to put some dog food in our garage fridge and then ran around front to ring the doorbell. He then ran back in from the garage yelling that he had seen some elves. Violet froze. I went to the door and excitedly said something was on the front porch. Wide eyed and cautious Violet looked out the door. I went out the front door and asked Chris which way the elves went. I looked around the house to act like I was looking. We took the package inside while Chris still talked about the elves.

Violet was very excited when she opened it and found the apron. I've told her that my apron was also made by Mrs. Clause, so when she took hers out of the package she yelled "Mommy, we match. I have one too"! Very cute.

Chris read the letter. It basically stated that Mrs. Claus saw her Friday night, knew she's been a good girl and likes to make cookies with Mommy. The letter also mentioned how our Elf on the Shelf will be coming to visit us soon and to keep a look out for him.

Look how excited she is!!
We made 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies. We'll make some sugar cookies in a couple weeks too.