We've been trying to work with Violet in the evenings on her crawling skills. When you try to put her on her knees she locks her legs and stands there like this. She'll stand like this for a while and start laughing.

So then we try putting all her toys out of reach. This sends her into a fit. She'll just look at the toy then look at us.

Last night her toys of choice where her Alphabet Snail and empty butter container. As you can see she looks like she's going to go after them. But all she's really doing is reaching as far as she can. When she realizes she can't reach them she waves her hands in the air, starts crying, and then wilts. Wilting is what we call it when she starts crying and puts her head down to the floor while she's sitting. She usually does this really slowly.

We tormented her for about 15 minutes till she was wore out. This looks like a fake cry. BooHoo.