Violet is getting a big kick out of her tent and tunnel. So we took a big box I had and cut holes and door into it for her to play with. She's also using her tent like a garage for her car. She pushes it into the tent.

We are pretty sure Violet is saying this, that and Dada. I kept thinking it was just coincidence when she was pointing to things saying this or that. We have always said 'What's this' or 'What's that' before telling her what that item is. Now every time she points we hear this. We tested her on this all afternoon and every time we heard the same thing. She might even be saying what but we just don't hear that yet. Then this evening before bath time she pointed right at Chris and said Dada. Not da or dadadada but Dada. We'll see if this all continues, or if it was all coincidence today.