There have been many concerns with indi artists, crafters, and small toy manufacturers about the new Consumer Products Saftey Improvement Act. This puts new restrictions on toys. Which is a good thing considering the recent issues of lead found in toys. However it will put small indipendent creaters out of business because of the testing that is required is to expensive. I think testing is fine but the cost is outragious. What I don't really understand is that most of us are creating work from supplies bought out in retail. Shouldn't that stuff have been tested for lead and phithalates? If I make a plushy out of fleece sold at Joann's is that not tested? I could understand if I raise my own sheep and make my own wool, or make my own dyes, etc. If I was creating the materials to make the item then I think there is an area for concern. This doesn't exactly affect me since my work isn't really geared for children. I even specify that it's not. But it kind of walks that fine line. Anyway, I know many people who make items for children and will be directly affected by this.
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