So the rash was not from something she ate or me scrubbing her face. We picked her up from school on Monday and she looked worse and was itching and rubbing her face non stop. Apparently she has a viral infection, like a cold, that could have been a result from her flu shot. At least that's one possibility the doctor gave us. I did notice a runny nose and watery eyes a day or two after she got her shots but it went away so I thought nothing of it. She gets her second round of the flu shot in three weeks and if this happens again then I'll know it's from the shot. So for the next 2 days she'll be on Benadryl, which knocks her out, and some cream for itchy bumps.
From the picture you can tell the redness has gone away but the little bumps are still everywhere. The more she scratches the more red they get. So it just looks worse than it actually is.