Thursday, January 15, 2009


A big plug for Chickenhare appeared on CBR's website (Comic Book Resources) Click here to read the article, it's a good article. Chris received a lot of emails in response to this. So it was a good day for Chickenhare!

I had some work published in Stuffed Magazine: A Gathering of Softies. I hope it becomes an ongoing thing. I got my copy in the mail so I don't know if Borders or B&N carry it. But if you click on the image you can see it larger and should be able to read it.

It's nice when you see you're work out there. It's not easy juggling everything we have to do. The past 10 months have been quite crazy and a bit challenging but I think we've done really well on balancing everything and finding the time to work on our own stuff. And thank God for DVR!


Karen said...

Your right, I dont know how you do it!!! I barely have time to sit and think let alone whip out the ol' art supplies! I have a baby shower gift that is fast approaching its deadline of February 7th, and the materials are not even bought! Congrats though!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so proud of the both of you in what you have accomplished. However, don't burn yourself out trying to do too much.