Thursday, March 15, 2012


I meant to post this a week ago.
Violet had her 4 year checkup on the 1st. She is 42 1/2" tall putting her in the 93% ans weighs 36 1/2lbs putting her in the 64%. I was hoping she weighed more so we could switch to the highback booster. I asked the Dr., MO law is 4 and 40. Based on our scale at home she fluctuated between 38 and 39. So I guess our scale is off by about 3 lbs. Good for me I weight 3lbs less!
I looked at last years numbers. She was only in the 90th percentile for height. She grew 3 inches this year. She's complained all year about how her arms and legs hurt. I now believe she's been having growing pains.

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