Thursday, February 19, 2009


Violet is now drinking her milk. She's officially on whole milk now too. Last Tuesday we finished up the last bit of formula that we were adding to the milk. She was only on straight formula for 2 weeks. So it was nice not having to buy a ton of that stuff. In a year I think we bought only 7 cans. We also managed to drop all bottles except the bedtime bottle. Also, for the last week and a half she's been on table food at school too. No more making meals and having to pack them up everyday. She'll also feed herself if the food isn't messy. She doesn't like messy hands I guess.

Also... thanks John... I ate all your possibly salmonella contaminated boy scout peanut carmel popcorn.


An Apel a Day said...

It's good she's drinking now! It's frustrating when they won't eat or drink!

Anonymous said...

I told you peanut butter sandwiches would work!!!

Anonymous said...

About the messy hands. Check out your first birthday photo. You with the cake. You didn't like the messy icing on your hands. Like mother, like daughter.

What's with the Boy Scout popcorn with the peanuts?

robyn fabsits said...

The peanut carmel popcorn in the 9.5oz tin has a voluntary recall because the peanuts came from the peanut plant that had the salmonella outbreak. I just heard about it today on the news. John just told me that info was released back in January.

Anonymous said...

No big deal, it's not like anyone has died from the stuff.

Chris Grine said...


Syndie Sorensen said...

Didn't you wrap napkins around chicken legs so your hands wouldn't get messy?