Friday, December 25, 2009


Before the chaos.

Violet loves her stove. She looks tiny next to it. But she'll grow into it and be able to play with it for years.

Cleaning the sink.

More people. That's what she calls her Playmobile toys. Santa brought her two more sets to add to her Zoo set. More people means more rides in her shoes.

She also got the V-tech phone because she's obsessed with the house phone. What I like about this phone is that it looks like a real cordless phone.

New doll with hair! We'll see how long it takes before the hair looks all ratty. I bet I'll be combing it every night. It's the Sleeping Beauty baby doll. Comes with little stuffed Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather fairies.

Violet got Dada plastic popcorn buckets. Which she thought were hats.

BOOM! The aftermath.

1 comment:

Syndie Sorensen said...

That doesn't look too bad. You can imagine what ours looked like with three kids. Luckily their "big" present this year is monkey bars for the playset. I love the stove. I told Erik he's going to make one for Lucy since Ella and Tate have peeled all the stickers off of the little one we have. I hope you had a great day. See you on Tuesday if the weather holds for us to get to St. Louis.