Friday, December 25, 2009


As of noon, still no one had left our street.

Mr. Jeff, in the background, and Chris said they'd get the lawn chairs out and have a beer when they were done. They wimped out.

That's a lot of snow.


robyn fabsits said...
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Chris Grine said...

wimped out?! It was -5 wind chill!

Syndie Sorensen said...

I hope you have thawed out Chris. Erik learned after our first winter that it's not fun to shovel a foot of show without the snowblower. It's probably hard to justify the expense in Kansas City. Not too may 6"+ snow falls.

An Apel a Day said...

We got 14" of snow in Omaha. I don't even know where to put the snow. I have a mountain pile here and a mountain pile there. Travis has a bad back, so the job gets handed to me sometimes.

On the news they said it may not start to melt for 2 months.