Sunday, August 4, 2013


For lunch today I decided to make Violet's lunch as if she were eating at school. She also had a time limit of 20 minutes. That's how long she'll have to eat at school.
She had to open everything on her own. No help from me.
She asked me midway through the meal if she could be done with her grapes. I said I don't know, can you? She looked puzzled. I told her she's going to have to make that decision on her own. And hopefully she'll make the right decision. She actually ate her cookie last without asking me about when to eat it.
And she made it with a minute thirty to spare. That's amazing for a kid that takes FOREVER to eat anything.  She had to put everything back in the lunch box and zip it closed too. I realize she'll have distractions when she gets to school, but the reason for doing this was to show her just how long she really has to eat.


Amy T-Y said...

having trouble finding a water bottle for lydia's lunch box that doesn't leak a little. where did you find yours?

robyn fabsits said...

The bottle in that pic is from Target. Right now, they are on an end cap near plates and cups. I also have a bunch of flip top water bottles w/ plastic straws that I bought at Target years ago. The brand is Embark. They don't leak. Found those back in the fitness/sports area. They are kind of squatty in shape and came in solid colors.