Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007

While the snow was falling Saturday I was procrastinating from what I should have really been doing, which is working on my squirrel head, and I decided to break open one of the many baby patterns I have bought over the past few months and make an outfit or two. The hat is McCall's 4478 the outfits are Simplicity 4243. Simplicity 4243 says easy-to-sew. That's true till you get to the arm holes. How am I supposed to fit that around my sewing machine? It was a challenge. So it took me all day Saturday to make these as well as a Baptismal day outfit out of the same Simplicity pattern. I still have the bottoms to finish on that one.

I am not a fan of pink but I really like this print. It's a reproduction 1930's print. It's a bit more salmon in color than just pink. The bottoms and hat match both tops.
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Currently as I post it is still snowing. Nothing major just a couple of inches. But it's our first real snow this year. I don't count ice. I always love it when the yard has no footprints in it. That'll change after the kids come out tomorrow. So I snapped a quick pick. Plus it looks nice with all the christmas lights. Happy sledding!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I've seen these on a lot of baby boutique websites. They are just a little bag that holds about 3-4 diapers (depending on size) and the travel box of wipes. I had some scrap material laying around and decided to make my own. It's about 8x12. Very easy construction. Simple envelope with a velcro closure. I even have enough room inside for a tube of cream or what not. The button is just decorative. I thought this would be great in a diaper bag. All you'd need when changing a diaper is to grab this little bag and you have everything you need.

Our stroller arrived Tuesday in freezing rain. The frame is aluminum and it was very cold putting together. Ivy enjoyed going for a ride!
This is the one item we splurged on. The stroller is the Bumbleride Flyer. I just went to their website and saw that they are offering a second set of fabric in three different colors to choose from for only $29. The fabric on this frame can be totally removed and washed or replaced. So if you've bought this after Oct 26, 2007 this applies to you. You just need a copy of the reciept and you have to have it mailed in with in 30 days of purchase of your Flyer. Just go to www.bumbleride.com to get the info.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Babys room is done. We decided to go with Dr Seuss because of it being gender neutral. We started this before we new what we were having. We might have gone a bit over board with all the Dr Seuss stuff but it's hard to tell what you have till you put it in place. You'd be surprised how difficult it is to find anything Dr Seuss. Luckily I've been stashing stuff away for 7 years. Yeah it's been a while.
When I first started Hallmark we found these Dr Seuss figures discounted so I bought 7 of them and thought maybe I'd use them someday. Then the Cat in the Hat movie came out a few years ago and there was quite a bit of stuff available. That's when I bought the material and stashed it away. I'd then buy a plush character here and there as I'd see them.
We chose a greyed down light blue green color for the walls(however the photo makes the color look a bit more baby blue, it's not). I could have gone with a bright turquiose color but chose not to because I new there would be a lot of color going on in the room. I didn't want color overload as you walked into the room. Plus this color is a lot easier to cover in the future. The prints in the frames are just scans from the books that I blew up and printed. Again thanks to Hallmark I paid $3.00 a piece for each frame. Thing 1 and 2 on the wall are made out of plywood and hand painted. There are blocks on the back so they stand out from the wall. The kites are made out of felt. I decided I didn't want all Dr. Seuss bedding so I chose red and white polka dots fabric. It's hard to see in the photo but the bumpers and skirt are polka dotted with blue trim and ties. The rocker was my rocker as a baby. I painted it white and recovered the cushions with a red and white plaid. That's a blanket hanging over the back. I personally love the lime green lamp. I found that on the discount table at Lowes for $10.00. They had a ton of them. Apparently lime green isn't big with the general public. Finally the flags in the window are scraps of fabric left over from some Dr Seuss material and other scraps I had laying around. I chose the white curtains because they'll go with whatever theme the room becomes later.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Here's what $4.99 got me. I bought one yard of terry cloth material and was able to make 11 bibs. It also helps to have tons of scraps of material laying around. I finally found a use for all these scraps. There was a reason I saved them. Now onto hats. I have enough large scraps to make some baby hats.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

So I took my belly to the Garth Brooks concert last night. I'm not a huge country fan but Chris is so when tickets went on sale last month we got in line with a million other people to get tickets. We ended up with 3rd row seats. Right place, right time I guess. I've never sat that close at a concert. So when you're that close you end up standing the whole night. That kinda sucked. I was up and down for the whole concert trying to rest my back. Baby went a little crazy when the concert began but settled down after a couple songs. I got some great pictures though. We couldn't have been more than 15 ft from the stage. Could have gone up to the stage like a lot of people but was a little worried of all the drunk stupid people so I stayed back. It was a fun long evening.
Never seen so many drunk cowboys in one place!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I thought I'd share some pics of our Halloween decorations. This is our favorite holiday and we do a lot of decorating. Every year we add a little more. We hope to one day have the whole front yard filled with tombstones. They are super simple to make. I just used blue insullation board and glued three pieces together to get the thickness I wanted. To cut them and make all the detail I used a heated exacto knife. An awesome tool. Wear a mask when you do this. The fumes from cutting the foam is a little nasty. Can't be good. I also used caulk to fill in seams and add texture then I just painted them with acrylic paint. Due to being pregnant I was unable to make any tombstones this year. I hope to be able to do 2 or 3 next year. I also plan on making a headless horseman out of my dress form for next year. The kids love it and this is the first year we ha d a few cars driving by. It will only get begger from here!!

The pumpkins are the styrafoam kind attatched to pvc pipe painted black. I just tied gauze and rope around them to make them a little creepier. The fencing is just the cheap stuff you can get at the hardware store.
Time to start planning for next year. Only 364 days left!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Look what I picked up! Cute little plastic plates with dividers. The circus plate is by far the cutest. it has that retro illustration kind of feel to it. The dog are cute just not as cute. Target also carries a pink plate with piggies, but the illustrations aren't as appealing. It is very hard for both of us picking out baby stuff because we are so picky about how they look. We can't stand bad illustration or badly designed toys, and don't even get us started on childrens books. Now I realize as the baby grows up and has opinions of her own we will have to give into all that stuff, but for now we decide. FYI...not one Bratz doll gets in this house!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Here's a little secret I've been holding in for 16 weeks. These ultrasounds are actually from week 10. I could have also posted the ultrasounds from week 5 and 6 but all you'd see is a bean. Not much to see. At least these you can actually see something.
I decided to create another blog so that I could share with family and friends what is going on in our life. I'm also not really someone who keeps a traditional journal or who scrapbooks so I see the digital realm as a way of documenting everything. Don't get me wrong I keep photo albums but I 'm not into the whole scrapbooking phenomena. I will attempt to keep a baby book but if it doesn't work out I won't feel guilty because I have this blog, and knowing I have family and friends who I don't see that often I will be diligent about posting what's up. I hope to post something at least every week. Enjoy!!
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